May 18, 2023

Abbottabad City Profile by Directory Pakistan.


Introduction to City:

Abbottabad is a district in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. The district covers.An area of 1,969 km with the city of Abbottabad being the principal town of this district.Neighbouring districts are Mansehra to the north,Muzaffarabad to the east, Haripur to the West, and Rawalpindi to the south. Abbottabad, the headquarters of Hazara Division, situatedAt an altitude of 1,225 m (4002 ft) above sea level and surrounded by refreshing green hills of Sarban, is one of the best known hill resorts of Pakistan. It is situated on the Karakoram.Highway (Silk Route) to China, 120 Km from.Rawalpindi/Islamabad and 205 Km from Peshawar. The climate is temperate with 4 distinct seasons-springs, summer, autumn and Winter. The summer is pleasant while the winter is moderately cold with occasional snowfall.The city is non-industrial, situated in the green Orash valley and is free from environmental Pollution. It has a population of over 300,000 with literacy rate of 56.61%. The main tribes Are the Abbasies, Tanolis, Awans, Rajputs, Jadoons, Qureshis, Karlals, Sheikhs, and the Syeds.Abbottabad is a small neat and clean town in spacious valleys surrounded by green hills. It isA popular summer resort, located at the end of Murree-Abbottabad hill tract, noted for its Verdant parks, gardens, golf course and pine covered hills. Major Bazars of the area includeSarbanchowk, Ghaniadda bazar, and Canttplaza.Abbottabad is blessed with many natural resources. It is especially famous for the production of agricultural products, mining,tourism, industries of various products, and dependence on natural resources. All these produce play an important role in economic uplift of the people of Abbottabad.Some of the minerals mined within the district are barite, dolomite, granite,Gypsum, limestone, magnesite, marble, phosphate, red ochre and red oxide.


During British rule Abbottabad became the capital of Hazara division, which was named after and contained the Hazara valley, a small valley in the outermost. Himalayas, between the Indus in the west and Kashmir in the east. The modern city of Abbottabad was founded by Major Abbott, the British deputy commissioner of Hazara (1849 to 1853) during British rule in the subcontinent. Major Abbott is credited with making major changes in the administrative setup in the region, so that after his departure, the city was named after him the British maintained a sizeable military presence here, evidenced even today by the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA), which has remained as the major training academy for military officers. The PMA provided fame to Abbottabad for many years, prior to the recent development of the city, from a non-industrial backward area, to a busy modern business, economic and academic center. The creation of Ayub Medical Complex has once more brought the city into the national limelight and spurred a lasting chapter of growth and development. Abbottabad, apart from being famous for its educational institutions and Military Academy, also serves as the gateway to almost all-beautiful places in Pakistan.


Abbottabad is located 34.15 latitude and 73.21 longitude and it is situated at elevation 1232 meters above   sea   level   exist   between   Mansehra   & Rawalpindi districts.


Pleasant Hot in summers in Abbottabad city while pleasant in Galiyat area. Extreme cold in winter especially in Galliyat due to snowfall and frost.Abbottabad has a humid subtropical climate, with mild to warm temperatures during the spring and autumn months, hot temperatures during June and July, and cool to mild temperatures during the winter. The temperature can rise as high as 38 °C (100 °F) during the mid-summer months and drop below −5 °C (23 °F) during the extreme cold waves. Snowfall occurs occasionally in December and January, though it is sparse, while heavy rainfall occurs during the monsoon season stretching from July to September that frequently cause flooding in lower lying parts of the city.

Culture and Heritage

Rich of moral values, hospitality, traditional meals, lassi, milk etc.

People and Tribes

Jadoon, Tanoli, Karlal, Abbasi, Awan etc


Hindko, Urdu, Pashto

District Statistics(Education)

There are total 1636 schools in the district with 184367 students enrolled. Updated on May 2019

Boys Schools= 927

Girls’ Schools= 709

Total Girls enrolled= 73047

Total Boys enrolled= 111320

Famous Personalities

Jalal Baba

Iqbal Khan Jadoon

Baba Haider Zaman

Admiral. Noman Bashir (Retired Chief of Naval Staff) Muhammad Raza Khan (Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan)

Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan (Ex-Chief Minister & Ex- Governor of KPK)

Amanullah Khan Jadoon (Ex-MNA) Murtaza Javid Abbasi (Ex-MNA) Barrister Javid Abbasi Sardar Muhammad Idrees (MPA)

District Specialty

City of Schools & Colleges and Pines

According to the AlifAilaan Pakistan District Education Rankings 2015, Abbottabad is ranked 31 out of 148 districts in terms of education. For facilities and infrastructure, the district is ranked 72 out of 148.

Economic Scenario of the District:

Abbottabad major economy depends on various alternatives such as, agriculture, Poultry, mining, tourism, industries of variousproducts, and dependence on scarce natural resources. Its population growth rate is higher, and income sources are due to which, the use of natural resources is continuously increasing.As there is no definite and special Agricultural product of the area so they embrace varieties of products which includes, wheat, maize, barley, and citrus fruit and also different seasonal vegetables such as, potato, tomato, turnip, onion, cabbage and peas. Poultry, which includes chicken of different varieties, is also a good source of income for the people of Abbottabad. Poultry contribute too much to the earnings of people of this locality.They use this income to fulfill their day to day needs. Humble additional revenue is generated through activities such as backyard poultry farming.District Abbottabad represents one of the major mining regions of the NWFP. In mining and quarrying sector of district Abbottabad, the major revenue sources are minor minerals in addition to three major minerals i.e. Limestone, soapstone and phosphate. Mining and quarrying sector is subjugated and dominated by the commercial entities. The importance of mining for poverty reduction on the one hand and its potential effect on environmental degradation on the other makes this sector an interesting case where environmental fiscal reforms (EFR) may be initiated. In District Abbottabad, around 20 different types of minerals (both major and minor) are excavated. In terms of infrastructure, the district is relatively well served both by major roads and telecommunications networks

Economic Potential:


Overall, some 48% of land in the district is under agriculture and land use intensity is high. Agriculture is the mainstay of the district’s economy but the sector operates at subsistence level. Of the 63,000 ha under cultivation, only 11% is irrigated. The remaining 56,000 ha of farmland depends exclusively on rain. As a result, per-hectare yields are low, and local demand for cereal crops such as maize and wheat is met through imports. Barring apples and potatoes, the district has few horticultural outputs.The Hazara belt has got favorable climate for agriculture but land available for cultivation is very limited and depleting further because of increased commercialization of the city. Two major crops maize in Kharif and wheat in Rabbi Season is sown everywhere in the district. Other crops are rice, jawar, bajra and barley etc. The future of the horticulture is bright but the past is not admirable. No regular food orchard lay out in this area. Irregular individual, scattered fruit plants are available everywhere. Although recently large number of apple plants have been planted in Berot circle, Galliat area and surrounding of Qalandarabad. Orchards of apples, apricot, plum, walnut, and several other fruits exist in Abbottabad.


Abbottabad district covers just 1.8% of the total land area of the NWFP but accounts for 5.4% of the province’s forest resources (kfw2000). Official statistics for forest cover in the district are at variance with estimates provided by other agencies. According to an inventory carried out by kfw, Abbottabad’s forests cover 36,394.6 ha; amounting to 21.4% of the district’s total area, while official figures show the district’s forested area to be slightly higher, at 36,441 ha. Hazara forest extends over an area of 155,049 acres. The area is mostly steep and rugged, partly covered with various types of vegetations. These forests consist of conifer and broad-leafed trees.The main conifer species are pine, kail, deodar and fir. Spruce and broad leaved species are walnut, horse, chestnut, oak, acacia, duodena and viscose.

Livestock and Poultry Development:

Livestock consists of buffalo, goat, horse, poultry, and sheep. Milk production from Buffaloes is divided into two categories: (i) small-scale milk production which servesthe family’s own subsistence needs and (ii) commercial milk production in the peri-urban areas of Abbottabad and Havelian, which has developed rapidly in response to the burgeoning urban demand for milk. Besides agriculture, modest additional income is generated through activities such as livestock rearing. In their presentstate, the livestock and poultry sectors are contributing little but their contribution can be boost up by better extension services, adequate marketing support, and substantial availability of feed and fodder. A major fodder source spread over an Estimated 59% of the district, has been available.


An estimated 117 km of rivers and streams run through the district, in addition to countless springs. The fisheries potential of these resources is yet to be systematically analyzed. In 1998–99, the district produced 0.74t of fish, marking a 56%. The cash value of Abbottabad’s fisheries output for the period 1998–99 is said to be Rs 50,050 but this figure needs to be reexamined since the total provincial fisheries output during the same period is valued at Rs 40.397 million. Only two water bodies in the district have been the subject of limn logical analysis. The first of these is the Thandiani stream at Kalapani, which is rich in nutrients and offers an environment that is favorable for pisciculture, especially trout farming. This stream ranks high on the habitat quality index.


The mountains of Abbottabad district are Rich in various minerals. In 1999–2000, the District produced 106,701t of various Minerals, including soapstone (32%), Limestone (52%), dolomite, magnesite and Phosphate. At present soap stone and Magnetite are dug out from Sherwan area Mines, which constitutes 32% of the total Mining output of the district, while the Phosphate stones snapped from Kakool and Tarnawi. Under the control of the Sarhad Development Authority, the Kakul mine yielded 250,000t to the Hazara Phosphate fertilizer company during the period 1985–96. The phosphate mines run on the management of Pakistan Industry Development Corporation. Some other minerals found in the district are baraites, dolomite, fire clay, latrite, red oxide, limestone and marble. The FDI inflow in mining and quarrying sector in Pakistan has increased from US$ 99.1 million in 1997-98 to US$ 221.5 million in 2005-06, yet deteriorating law and order situation and security issues are proving to be major barriers against the inflow of FDI to NWFP. In District Abbottabad, around 20 different types of minerals (both major and minor) are excavated. Between 15 and 20 private companies and lease holders operate in the vicinity of Abbottabad and Havelian cities, extracting limestone from the surrounding hills for the production of crush used as building material. This accounts for 52% of the mining output of the district. In 1972–73, the Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) was granted a 30-year lease for magnesite on 144,628 acres near the village of Kumhar. Exploratory work, carried out with the assistance of Japanese experts, reported 2.98 million t of magnesite in the area. There are reportedly plans to set up a factory in the Hattar Industrial Estate to manufacture magnesite bricks as a joint venture between PIDC and a private concern.. The Sarhad Development Authority completed exploratory work in lagar bandotarnwai in 1993. Detailed mineral exploration using prospect evaluation techniques estimates reserves of 10 million t. Twenty six private concessionaires are currently working in the BaglaKumhar, Bandi, Chetether and Khandakhu mines situated at Sherwan, some45 km west of Abbottabad city.


Tourism is now one of the world’s largest industries and one of its fastest growing economic Sectors. For many countries tourism is seen as a main instrument for regional development,As it stimulates new economic activities. Tourism is a growing industry in Pakistan,Based on its diverse cultures, peoples and landscapes. Tourist of domestic and international

Type visited these areas which became earn of living for local people. In Pakistan’s economy,Tourism can pay a vital role due to its majestic landscape and diversity of cultures within Pakistan, but due to lack of proper infrastructure in certain areas and worsening security Situation are the major reasons it still faces a set back. Other wise according to some International companies if Pakistan gets better tourist infrastructure it is estimated to be an Over a $10 billion industry.


A cluster of four small hill stations of Khanaspur, Khairagali, Changlagali and Ghora Dhaka is called Ayubia and was named after former President Ayub Khan. The complex is spread over an area of 26 KM. The central place of Ghora Dhaka has Chair Lifts, which gives a panoramic and mesmerizing view of the surrounding. Ayubia is 38 KM from Abbottabad.


Dungagali is a picturesque small resort situated on the slopes of the Mukshpuri hill (2,376 Meters.). It commands a charming view of a series of wooded spurs projecting towards the river Jhelum onthe western side. From Dungagali one can climb the 2,813 meters peak of Mukshpuri, which is the highest point in the range. Natural springs abound on the slopes. It is 34 KM from Abbottabad.


Nathiagali is clad in pine, walnut, oak and maple trees. It is the Prettiest hill resort in the Galliat region. It can be approached Both from Murree and Abbottabad. It is 32 KM from Abbottabad as well as from Murree. Nathiagali is 2501 meter Above sea level and is surrounded by lush green lofty Mountains. Breathtaking landscapes, spring water and fresh air make it one of the most Peaceful hill stations in Pakistan.


Thandiani means “cold” in the local language. Therefore being a cool place it got the name Of “Thandiani”. It is 2,700 meters above sea level on a small plateau surrounded by pine Forests. This beautiful spot can easily be approached from Abbottabad and is 31 KM from Main Abbottabad City. On the way along with tall majestic pine trees you come across Groups of monkeys. The major place on the way is Kalapani at 23 KM from Abbottabad. It Has a beautiful local Dak bungalow. HuleKa Danna is about two KM North of Thandiani. It is one of the most beautiful glades in the region. At night the lights of Abbottabad District and Azad Kashmir are clearly visible.

Shimla Peak – Snowy Peaks

Shimla Peak got its name from the Hindko language Shamla or Shumla, which means turban’s crest. The place is also known as Shimla Hill or Shimla Pahari. The hill locates in the west of Abbottabad and is a part of the Sherwan range. The range of Sherwan in Abbottabad shapes like a turban’s crest and that was how the place has its name. It marks Abbottabad tourist places where you can enjoy the dramatic view of the beautiful city at its peak.Shimla Peak has an elevation of 4757 feet above sea level and is quite steep which needs care and attention to plan for trekking. There are numerous pine trees in this area, which makes Shimla Peak more beautiful to visit. If you are an adventurer, this region is perfect for hiking. Summer is the best time to visit the Shimla peaks due to the pleasant weather. The cold weather, snowy peaks, and peaceful environment make this place more attractive in winters. If you like to visit in winters, you need care and safety as it covers thick snow and requires double thermal clothing to save from frostbites. The distance is 10km away from Abbottabad and one can use a jeep or trek from upper Pine View Road. To plan for hiking and visit the beautiful hills, you will not take your eyes off the wide landscape of Shimla Peak! You can also photograph this exotic place for a memorable trip! This makes one of the best places to visit in Abbottabad.

Harnoi Lake – Amusement Park

Harnoi is a small town, which locates 11km east of Abbottabad on NathiaGali Road. It marks one of Abbottabad famous places. With the short route from Abbottabad, it takes 15 minutes to drive on the NathiaGali Road where you can stop by and enjoy the flowing river. With the popular tourist attractions, many locals and tourists visit the lake all year round. Harnoi Lake is encircled by high mountains covered with trees, small huts and houses that make the place attractive to visit. Nearby the stream, there is cold water called NadiDhorr where you can touch and feel the cold temperature in the river.

The weather at Harnoi Lake is pleasant throughout the year where it marks a calming place to enjoy the sound of the flowing water. The place has small teashops, restaurants, and resorts are available to eat, rent a room and enjoy the stay. There is an amusement park for children with swings such as Ferris wheel, Roller Coaster, boats and many more to enjoy the park while roaming around the lake. There are many beautiful hiking spots to enjoy hiking along the river. In summers, the place is very crowded due to the pleasant weather. You can visit this place at any season! To go for a refreshing place and peace of mind, Harnoi Lake will give you tranquillity! Be sure not to miss the calming lake!

Lady Garden Public Park for Kids

Lady Garden Public Park is one of the oldest tourists’ attractions in Abbottabad where it marks the finest place for kids and women to visit. The park locates opposite St. Luke’s Church and it was open only for European or White women and families before the partition. Now, it is open to the public and you can take your friends, families and children to sit, relax and enjoy the peaceful park. There are multiple swings, slides and snacks for your kids to enjoy the fresh air and walk on the track.

Interestingly, the plants and trees of the park have imported from England. Outside the park, you will find a giant stone called James Abbott poem for Abbottabad where the city was named after him. James Abbott was an English Army officer in the Bengal Army and an administrator in British India. The park is a stunning place for walking and photography and marks Abbottabad picnic points. To go for a place where you want to sit and relax, you will relax and enjoy the oldest attraction at the Lady Garden Public Park! Be sure not to miss James Abbott giant stone!

Ilyasi Mosque – Spiritual Place

Ilyasi Mosque is Nawan Shehr village’s most magnificent beauty where it marks the most recognized historical places in Abbottabad. Due to its beauty and spirituality, this White Facade mosque is the main attraction of travellers. It has recognized as Abbottabad’s oldest and biggest mosque.

It was constructed in 1932 across a water stream that still flows under it. There is a small pond located at the front of the masjid that adds the beauty of Islamic architecture. The mosque is particularly renowned for its magnificent construction, and it occupies an area of five canals.The mosque has a calming white colour and a great aura that makes you want to visit the interior and the aesthetic of the masjid. The locals claim that the water stream in the mosque has healing powers that were used in ancient times. A fresh of cold water flows behind the mountain that provides fresh water all year long for a spiritual feeling that adds to the beauty of the historical site. It takes 15 minutes to drive from the city and marks the famous Abbottabad places to visit. To visit a historical place in Abbottabad, you will enjoy the magnificent Ilyasi Mosque.

Dahamtore Village – Lovely Place

Dahamtore Village marks one of the largest villages in Abbottabad and is a gateway to many of Pakistan’s lovely sites. It situates 6 kilometres to the east of Abbottabad and at an altitude of 1,110 meters. According to the locals, the village considers heaven on earth. The village is famous for the presence of Saian Mola Patt Qalandar Zyarat. Most locals in the village celebrate Urs Mubarak of Hazarat Data Ganj Bakhsh every year in February.

The village was known as the primary business centre during British rule where the locals loved to play football as a pastime. This marks one of the most famous sports where it considers Abbottabad beautiful places due to the wide accessibility to Murree, NathiaGali, Dunga Bali, Ayubia National Park and other picnic spots. To visit the wide gateway to other picnic spots, be sure not to forget to explore Dahamtore Village.

St. Luke’s Church – Historical Sight

St. Luke Church was founded in 1864 in Abbottabad under the Anglican Church. The church is dedicated to St. Luke who was one of the four evangelists, the four authors of canonical Gospels. It is one of the well-known British and Indian settlements in the city. The church established when the British ruled the region.

The Fathers of the Early Church attributed to his authorship for the Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles. This makes Luke the author of more than a quarter of the New Testament text. The Old Christian Ceremony at Abbottabad used to connect to the church that was founded in 1853.

Inside the church, there are old tombs and memorials in the cemetery. The church consists of heavy stones that portray the power and dominance the British had at that time in which this church is now the dominance of the Peshawar Diocese of the Church of Pakistan. To head over to a religious place in Abbottabad, you will enjoy the beauty and the unfolding story about St. Luke Church! You will enjoy the knowledge and the history behind it!

Old Lockhart House – Historical Place

Old Lockhart House is one of the oldest historical places in the city where it marks the iconic places to visit in Abbottabad. The house was constructed in the 1880s and was built in Abbottabad by General Sir William Lockhart. The Old Lockhard House locates near FG Boys Public High School in Pine View Road. A magnificent structure depicts the colonial history and William Lockhart visited this place because of beauty and glory.

Sir William Lockhart was a British soldier who ruled in the North West frontier for many years and retired after becoming Commander in Chief of the British Indian Army. He was very fond of Abbottabad where he and his family decided to build a house. They have built another cottage nearby to house guests. Sadly this nearby cottage was ruined which today is known for Kipling House because John Lockwood Kipling, father of Rudyard Kipling used to come and stay. He was a great friend of Lockhart.

After the partition, the Lockhart House and Kipling House became part of the Federal Government School in Abbottabad, which has shut down due to bad conditions. To visit the oldest historical place in Abbottabad, you will awe the structure and the unravelling story behind the Old Lockhart House!

Jalal Baba Auditorium Complex

Jalal Baba Auditorium Complex is a public auditorium that has named after Muhammad Jalal-Ud-Din Jalal Baba. He was a respected leader of the All India Muslim League and served as the minister in Abbottabad at the time of partition. It marks Abbottabad visiting places that leave history behind it. The auditorium constructed in 1993 and it covers an area of 8.75 acres. Jalal Baba Auditorium Complex locates in Allama Iqbal Road adjacent to the Public Library.

The auditorium comprises a huge hall that accommodates 700 people and is utilized for many public events, meetings, gatherings, concerts, exhibitions and many more. To add to this, the complex consists of performers’ waiting rooms, VIP rooms and houses a National Book Foundation Centre, Abbasin Arts Council and Abbottabad Development Authority offices. To visit a complex that hosts different events, be sure you visit Jalal Baba Auditorium Complex!

Sajikot Waterfall – Beautiful View

Sajikot Waterfall is the most recognized physical feature in Abbottabad where you can stop by the cliff and enjoy the spectacular view of the waterfall. The waterfall locates in the Havelian Tehsil of Abbottabad. The waterfall marks one of the most beautiful places to visit in Abbottabad due to its natural beauty. Sajikot waterfall is 47 kilometres from Abbottabad and 28 kilometres from Havelian.

A narrow road allows people to drive their cars up to the top to stop by and enjoy the waterfall. This is the most magnificent and worth seeing waterfall compared to other waterfalls in the city. To enjoy Abbottabad beautiful places, you must not miss a chance to visit this amazing waterfall! Be sure you take pictures of the exotic physical feature!

Kala Pani

If you are unable to visit Thandiani due to various reasons, you can enjoy visiting the nearby Kala Pani. Kala Pani is a village in Abbottabad that locates is near Thandiani. Kala Pani locates only 15 kilometres from Abbottabad, which takes almost 50 minutes to reach that place. Kala Pani has an altitude of 5784 feet (1762 meters) above sea level and the distance is 12 kilometres from Thandiani and takes 35 minutes to reach from Thandiani to Kala Pani.

With the greater tourists’ attractions, many locals visit the Kala Pani in summer due to pleasant weather and close in winters due to heavy snowfall, which makes it dangerous to travel. Between Thandiani Mountain and MeraRehmat Khan Mountain, you can see the clean fountain water that surrounds the Kala Pani which natives use for drinking. This flows into the Harnoi River, which makes Abbottabad visiting places. To explore nature in-depth, be sure not to miss the Kala Pani!

Mushkpuri Top

Mushkpuri Top is the second tallest peak in the area of the Galyat Region after Miranjani. It is located right above DungaGali and NathiaGali near Ayubia National Park. The mountain has an elevation of 9200 feet (2800 meters) above sea level and is 39 kilometres away from Abbottabad. It takes 3 hours to get to the peak for great trekking activity. Mushkpuri Top comprises two paths where you can trek through DungaGali or NathiaGali.

The area covers dense subalpine conifer forests that leave you a relaxed and breathtaking view of the lush green mountain. Once you reach the top of the mountain, you will see five main areas that are Circle Bakote, Jhelum River, Bagh District of Azad Kashmir, Murree and Murree Tehsil. This is one of the most beautiful places to enjoy hiking and capture the spectacular view for a great memory. To pan for hiking and photography, you will not complete your vacation without visiting Mushkpuri Top


Abbottabad has a very healthy literacy rate approximately 56% on an average.The city has a young demographic (ages 15–30) due to the large number of students who have come from across the country to study in its schools, for example PIPS, Army Burn Hall College, Army Public College Kakul and Abbottabad Public School.

The city has a wide variety of post-secondary institutions, such as Ayub Medical College, Frontier Medical College, COMSATS University of Science and Technology, and the University of Engineering & Technology.

Abbottabad is home to the Pakistan Military Academy, a coeducational federal service military academy that provides training to the officers of the Pakistan Army. The academy has three training battalions and 12 companies. Another 2,000 guests each year, from over 34 countries, receive some training at PMA.

Pakistan Military Academy, also referred to by its acronym PMA, is an officers training centre located near Kakul village in the city and district of Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa established in October 1947. It is the sole service academy in Pakistan tasked with training cadets into serving as army officers. For educational training, the institution is accredited by NUST

                    Pakistan Military Academy
Motto in English Men at their Best
Type Pakistan Army’s initial officer training academy
Established October 14, 1947; 75 years ago
Commandant Maj Gen Iftikhar Hassan Chaudhary
Academic staff 3,000–4,000 (both civilian and military)
Location Abbottabad





Colours Green and Red


Cadets have to go through 2 years of rigorous military training until they can be termed an officer. Pakistan Military Academy provides training to Gentlemen Cadets (Officer Cadets) of Pakistan Army and Allied countries. The academy has four training battalions, and 16 companies. Approximately 2,000 invited guests from over 34 countries visit this institution each year. Many close allies of Pakistan send their own cadets and officers to receive premier training in modern military doctrine at PMA.


A few small scale industries are available which are still in developing stage and there is great potential for these industries products to contribute to the national income and also in reducing unemployment in the region and make improve the living standard of the locality, if they are given proper attention and assistance from the concerned authorities. A small industrial estate has been established at Mandian, 5 km away from Abbottabad city where cement, woodwork, PVC pipes, wires and cement pipes are prepared. The profile of the small industrial estate is given as follows:

1 V/ Ghee & Oil 2

2 Bakery Products, Sweets 7

3 Rubber & Plastic Goods 4

4 Poultry Chicks 1

5 Marble Tiles 10

6 Pharmacy 4

7 Grey Cloth, Polyester 3

8 Furniture 14

9 Ice factories 3

10 Metal & Metal Product 9

11 Towels, Ready made Garments 2


Crochet Work in Hazara Division Crochet work is one of the major handicrafts made in the area by women. The art of making various items is transferred from generation to generation. It is a very delicately done job which needs concentration and precision on every stitch. In almost every village of Hazara Division women are making Crochet products. Approximately 400 women are doing Crochet work in Abbottabad only. Currently over 2000 women are directly involved in Crochet work. These women mostly work at their homes and earn their living. Places like Haripur, Havelian, and Dhamtor are locally known for the quality Crochet.

Product Range:

The following products are commonly made:

 Pillow Covers

 Cushions

 Bed Sheets

 Caps

 Dolls

 Socks

 Fan Covers

 Sweaters

 Floor Cushions

 Sofa seat covers

The products are not restricted to this list. Women can prepare products depending on the order and the design required by the clients.

Trade and trade centers:

Although Abbottabad is a district as well as divisional headquarter, Havelian is the trade center due to railway station connected with Punjab/ Peshawar and other parts of the country through railway line. The government has established an export promotion bureau office headed by an Assistant Director to promote trade in the district.

Small Investment Projects for the District:

 Trout Farming

 Crochet/Embroidery Stitching Unit

 Poultry Farm

 Honey Bee Keeping

 Walk In Tunnel Vegetables Farm


Abbottabad is the capital city of Abbottabad District in the Hazara region of eastern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It is the 40th largest city in Pakistan and fourth largest in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by population.Abbottabad has been attracting tourists to the city since the colonial era, as it is a major transit point to all major tourist regions of Pakistan such as Nathiagali, Ayubia and Naran.The Abbottabad Falcons was the professional cricket team of Abbottabad who played in the national Twenty20 and List A cricket tournaments. Sports facilities in the city include Abbottabad Cricket StadiumAbbottabad Hockey Stadium Abbottabad is home to the Pakistan Military Academy, a coeducational federal service military academy that provides training to the officers of the Pakistan Army.According to the AlifAilaan Pakistan District Education Rankings 2015, Abbottabad is ranked 31 out of 148 districts in terms of education. For facilities and infrastructure, the district is ranked 72 out of 148. The city is blessed to a pleasant weather all year round.Further it is known among the country because of its good educational institutions and Military establishments as the renowned military academy. Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) is located at kakul near Abbottabad.